Because all of Pro-Tech’s Inspectors are licensed professionals and knowledgeable in all facets of structures, electrical systems, plumbing systems and air conditioning/heating systems. Our inspectors have been in the engineering, construction and inspection business for over 30 years. We understand that the structural integrity of your new home is extremely important and it is for this reason Pro-Tech employs only licensed professionals, but we believe that this should be a part of your inspection package at no additional cost to you.

Our inspectors are courteous and a pleasure to work with. Pro-Tech stresses professionalism, continuing education and ethical conduct. We encourage you to accompany us on our inspection so that we can familiarize you with your new purchase and answer any questions that you may have.

Don’t Settle For Less!


March 2, 2007

To Whom It May Concern,

I am Donna Gehrke-White, a features writer for The Miami Herald. FLASH, a national safety organization, recently arranged for John Fischer, who owns Pro Tech Inspections, to inspect three homes to show readers how to look to hurricane-proof their homes. This is a big issue in Florida and the eventual story ran in February almost 2/3 of the front page of our Sunday Home section. Mr. Fischer was a big part in the article's success.

For the inspections, Mr. Fisher was punctional, professional and thorough. It was clear from the start that he had a high level of expertise. He also was able to also communicate effectively often technical concepts so I could write an easily understood story for readers. He was hard working, going through the check points of each home, not cutting corners. He had that old fashioned work ethic. Later when I read portions of my story to him, he was patient, correcting any mistakes in wording or concepts. As a result, I was able to write a thorough and accurate story. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate it.

I highly recommend Mr. Fischer.

Thank you!


Donna Gehrke-White
Features Writer
The Miami Herald
Miami, FL 33132